1 Jun 2015

Preparing the spring summits

Finally some stable high pressure situation seems to be arriving over Switzerland which means I might finally get my "two days really good weather window" to try some bigger summits. To be ready today on my way to Bern I took a secondary road over the Oberalp pass (where the Rhine is born) instead of the motorway so I quickly go for a mini check of all the gear. That is also one of the

Expandyourplayground18 May 2015

NW bottom to top an back

One of the advantages of being self-employed is that you can trade a Sunday for a Monday if the Sundays weather doesn't seem nice. That is exactly what I did... But since I'm talking about weather let me give you some background information first. Thursday Eliane and I went ski-touring in Zermatt to get some acclimatization for Saturday's project. I wanted to give a shot at a very big summit, the canton Valais. But, and

10 May 2015

BS top

Wow what a nice place! St Chrischona has an amazing view from where you can see up to 10 other summits. The campus is a theological school that hosts over 100 students. I just had the chance to talk for half hour with the director of the school which took me around the whole campus explaining the hostory and the current doings of the Chrischona society. Higly

10 May 2015

The B day

nope, not my birthday, but the day I tackle 2 out of 3 of the cantons starting with B. Maybe you guessed it, I'm definitely not mixing Bern with another canton :) so today is the Basel Day! The plan it to start from the lowest point of Basel city (BS) then go to the S. Chrischona monastery (BS highest point) then on to the Rheinpark where the lowest point of Basel Land is and then