9 Nov 2014

Sunday trip to Zug

One of the biggest challenges of 27summits.ch is, belive it or not, finding the lowest point of a canton. In fact depending on the geography of the canton the lowest point might not actually be a point but a polygon (for example when the lowest point is a lake) or a line (when the lowest point is a canons border crossing orthogonally a river). Today 's lowest point is probably one of the trickiest ones.

7 Nov 2014

TRop cool ;)

Yesterday the winter knocked hard at my door so I thougt If I wanted to do some more autumb summits I d better hurry up... and here I am, after lnding on th wrong side of the river (in canton Zürich) at the Thur river the lowest point of Thurgau heading for the Groot... c ya Bérna on the