23 Apr 2018

No Pain, gain!

If you are scared of something go out and face it. You might lose big time but you might as well win, and when you win you are a happier and stronger person... I remember writing this after having finished the longest summit I did: Canton Bern and last Friday it was again a day like this. Perfect weather window, perfect conditions, the road open and without snow, the snow coming down to 15min walk

14 Aug 2016

Lucerne done

Do you know the happy feeling of (re)discovering some new muscles thanks to their pain? Well today I am very happy and I rediscovered many muscles that I hadn't use in a while (turns out 17days of kitesurfing dosen't train you for 140km of biking :) ) Any way it was great to go out on a summit again and it was foremost great to go swimm in the river at the lowest point at

11 Oct 2015

SHunday SHunday

So after a long break with plenty of cool things Happening, I was finally out on a summit mission again! The last easy one, so I invited many people to come, we finally where 6. After a nice breakfast in our new home, we drove to the Rhine at the border between Kanton Zurich and Schaffausen, a wonderful region in full autumn clothes. Pity only the sun is not showing. Arrived at Eglisau, we met