ARrived :)
Jupiaijeeeeee (Eli's contribution ;) ) We managed, bu coul any body flatten appenzell please? :) Bérna on the
Jupiaijeeeeee (Eli's contribution ;) ) We managed, bu coul any body flatten appenzell please? :) Bérna on the
It's really nice to leave home a summit attempt at 6.30 in the morning instead of the "usual" midnight :) Today with Eliane we are of to attempt the Säntis from Lutzenberg via Wolfshalden, Heiden, Appenzell and Schwägalp. The weahter looks super promising... see you later and enjoy the weekend Bérna on the
After a longer than planned train ride involving a taxi trere we go... Aa Cheers from Staad Bérna on the
So... there we go, up for a different saturady night... just finished packing and I'm now in the bus direction Rorschach at the Boden see, the lowest point of canton Sankt Gallen. If all goes well tomo around lunchtime I should be on the Ringelspitz... lets hope :) Ciao Bérna on the
So finally its ready, the brand new, super cool, hyper beautiful website is up and running. Go check it out and share it with your friends, the project is young but now I'm more than ready to go for it :) Oh, yes if you are interested in supporting me or know anybody that would be interested in donating or sponsoring the project, don't hesitate to contact me with an email, sms, comment, phone
geez That was a hard one... 21h 19min, 112.5 km, 5323m ascent... litterally
When your legs don't work, your head can still push them big time... at Tödi, highest point of
ready steady go... front wind sucks... at lowest point in