The GReatest one
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Wow it was a looooong break, but so is life, after doing 15 summits in 2015, this year I've done 0 so far. A mix of sketchy winter, need to take some time off from due to way to much hectic during the production of the documentary, lots of work, moving, travelling and so on kept me away from my beloved project for 8 months. And it was good. It was good to take
So after a long break with plenty of cool things Happening, I was finally out on a summit mission again! The last easy one, so I invited many people to come, we finally where 6. After a nice breakfast in our new home, we drove to the Rhine at the border between Kanton Zurich and Schaffausen, a wonderful region in full autumn clothes. Pity only the sun is not showing. Arrived at Eglisau, we met